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The Aquapax Racing Yacht has officially entered for this year’s around Ireland Fastnet Race!

What is the Fastnet Offshore Race?

The Fastnet Offshore Race is a highly competitive race with this year having a record-sized entry of 453 yachts (as of April 2021). None of the world’s ‘classic 600 mile’ offshore races come close to this level of participation. Over the past two decades, the fleet has almost doubled in size. This race is special in the sense that the fleet is incredibly diverse.

The goal of the race is to tackle the 695-mile long course from Cowes to Cherbourg off southwest Ireland successfully. It is the largest and most diverse offshore yacht race in the world, so definitely one to look out for!

This exciting biennial race is 605 nautical miles with an international fleet made up of over 26 countries! The typical number of yachts racing is around 400, which compares greatly to the first ever race which was in 1925 with only 7 boats. 

The 2021 Rolex Fastnet Race will start on Sunday 8th August 2021.

Aquapax Racing Yacht

The Aquapax Racing Yacht's first qualifying race is scheduled at the end of this month's Bank Holiday Weekend. The race entails racing for 230 nautical miles. Stay tuned to see how the Aquapax Racing Yacht does!

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