A dead Cuvier's beaked whale washed up off the coast of the Philippines having ingested 40kg(88lbs)of plastic, including 16 rice sacks, multiple shopping bags, and 4 banana plantation bags. This follows the death of a pilot whale in Thailand who died after consuming 80 plastic bags.
56% of all whale and dolphin species, from small fish-eating dolphins to the largest filter feeding whales, have been recorded eating marine plastics they've mistaken for food.
Plastic pollution is particularly a problem in China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand - with a 2015 report by environmental campaigner Ocean Conservancy and the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment declaring these countries accounted for up to 60% of the plastic waste that ends up in our oceans.
But #PlasticPollution is all of our responsibilities. We all contribute but we can all make a difference.
Single use plastics play a heavy part in this ocean chapter, and with recent predictions from the UK Government that plastic pollution in the Ocean could triple in the next 10 years if we do not change our habits, action needs to be taken.
If you want to take action against ocean pollution and make direct impact towards cleaner oceans, why not nip down to your local beach and do a beach clean? You can do this on your own or round up a group of friends.
If you don't fancy organising one, check out #2minutebeachclean , an organisation who run beach cleans all over the UK.
As well as taking action on Climate Change, Surfers Against Sewage also run beach cleans, and their website offers information on how to organise your own. As well as regular beach cleans, SAS also run two large nation-wide beach cleans; the Big Spring Beach Clean and the Awesome Autumn Beach Clean, of which 2018's spring clean resulted in 63 tonnes of marine plastic pollution and litter from 575 beaches across the UK.
Our Thanks To The Planet
Aquapax: Official sponsors of Skateboard England & the UK National Skateboarding Championships 2019!