Spring is in the air! That means it's time for the BBC Gardeners’ World Spring Fair taking place in the stunning grounds of Beaulieu from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 May.
BBC Gardeners’ World Spring Fair
The BBC Gardeners’ World Spring Fair is taking place in Beaulieu, Hampshire for the first time ever in the Spring. The fair will include stunning floral displays from top tier nurseries and gardening tips and ideas.
If you're a plant lover, the Spring Fair will be your own personal heaven. There will be a variety of quality plants available for purchase at the fair with stunning displays. The Spring Fair will also have a What to Do Now Stage supported by the BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. The stage will have talks from the magazine editors as well as special guests each day of the week including Arit Anderson on Saturday and Adam Frost on Sunday. The guests will provide practical gardening tips, topical advice to get the best out of your garden this season. The subject of sustainability will be discussed with sessions such as how to create your own creative gardening container.
Bringing some flavour to the Spring Fair is the BBC Good Food market where we will be exhibiting. Make sure to pop along and say hello!
We decided to team up with the BBC Gardeners' World Spring Fair this year due to our important joint stance on sustainability! Gardeners' World have been gradually becoming more sustainable in their TV and radio shows and magazines. Recently, Arit Anderson from the Gardeners' World BBC 2 interviewed Marion Boswell on how sustainability is both an aim and an inspiration to her when creating landscapes. Moreover, BBC Gardners' World recently teamed up with the NEC event venue where sustainability became the heart of everything they did. The sustainability programme developed is ever-changing and adapting to meet the needs of the environment and climate we live in. The NEC and Gardeners' world are dedicated to limiting the impact of their presence on the environment.
By teaming up with BBC Gardeners' World Spring Fair, we believe we will be able to provide the Gardeners' world with a sustainable drinking water option for gardening lovers who are also concerned about the environment and lead an eco friendly and sustainable life.
Aquapax is determined to continue to have sustainable growth and development as a company as well as Aquapax's team members leading sustainable lifestyles. We recently wrote a blog on how to become a more sustainable gardener and reduce plastic waste which you can read here.
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