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Peat Compost Ban Weclomed by Environmentalists

Peat Compost Ban Weclomed by Environmentalists

The UK government has issued a ban on the sale of peat compost in England to gardeners from 2024 which has been welcomes by environmentalists. 

Peat is made out of "partially composted mosses and plants in waterlogged, acidic bogs" Currently, around 3% of the Earth's surface is covered by living peat bogs.

Despite the grand step in the right directions, there are still concerns about 'loopholes' in the ban that would allow the continued burning of carbon-rich peatland.

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BBC gardener's world fair spring

Visit Aquapax at the BBC Gardeners' World Spring Fair 2021

Spring is in the air! That means it's time for the BBC Gardeners’ World Spring Fair taking place in the stunning grounds of Beaulieu from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 May. BBC Gardeners’ World Spring Fair The BBC Gardeners’ World Spring...

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sustainable gardening basil pots

Sustainable ways to reduce garden plastic waste in 2021

During the 2020-2021 coronavirus lockdown, gardening became a popular activity in the UK. Gardening helps us feel at one with nature and can even help reduce stress. Despite having calming properties, there is a downside to gardening which is the amount of plastic waste it produces. In the UK, it is estimated that there are 500 million plastic pots and trays in circulation. 

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