Hotels are constantly looking for ways to improve their sustainability ratings, and to demonstrate to their guests their carbon reduction initiatives - all while recognising their inevitable environmental impact as service businesses. One simple and tangible way for any hotel property to do this, is by choosing to offer our eco-sensitive water cartons to their guests for both in-room (traditionally called turn-down water) and in-spa use, where plastic and glass bottles simply don’t make any sense to health and wellness focussed guests.
AQUAPAX water is the perfect solution for hotels looking to demonstrate an authentic commitment to reducing their environmental impact. Multi award-winning, premium quality AQUAPAX water, sealed in bacteria free conditions, protected from light and air, offers an assurance to guests of the integrity of the product they’re consuming and offer a low-cost upgrade to any hotel’s wellness strategy.
Our paper cartons, made from certified renewable resources are fully recyclable, including the bio-polymer lid closures, made from sugar-cane. AQUAPAX cartons have a much lower carbon footprint than plastic, glass or aluminium bottles, which often end up in landfills or the ocean, rather than being properly recovered within a recycling stream.
Guests choose to stay in authentic properties which can accommodate them in the comfort and style they desire. The folly of how some properties inadvertently end up trying to defend a ‘green wash’ (portraying something as eco when it really isn’t) can only backfire! Choosing to offer a more thoughtful choice of AQUAPAX water for their guests, means that hotels reduce the volume of plastic and other high carbon-impact waste generated on their properties, while setting a positive example for sustainable tourism!
The Benefits of Pure Mineral Spring Water
Sustainable tourism + AQUAPAX